
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 225
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Quad Docking Station–WA4204-G2 & WA4304-G2
Try in ser ti ng a ba tte ry that you know to be wor king in the ch arger well .
Reconnec t the mains power cable, and che ck that the char ger well indicat or
flashes a t powe rup.
6.10 Quad Docking Station–WA4204-G2 & WA4304-G2
Note: WA4204-G2 is designed for WORKABOUT PRO C models; WA4304-G2
is designed for WORKABOUT PRO S models.
The quad docking station is shipped with a docking manual. It is critical
that this manual be reviewed for additional information and updates.
The quad docking station permits eac h of f our docked WORKABOUT PROs to
communicat e wit h a 10/ 100 Ba seT Et herne t ne twork at grea ter tha n 2Mb ps. It al so
provides s uffi cie nt po we r t o oper ate and fast charge the batteries in the u nit s.
6.10.1 Quad Docking Station Setup
After unpac king the unit :
Visually ins pect the unit for any damage.
Install the IEC power cor d and apply power.
A green indi cat or i n the lower-right corner of th e fr ont p anel li ghts up to indicate
that power i s pr ese nt.
Attach a CAT5 RJ45 networ k patch cable ( supplie d) betwe en your n etwork
and the RJ45 j ack on the rear of t he d ock.