WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 177
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP)
Reading Range
Determines t he reading dist ance from which a ba r code can be succ essfully scanned.
The default set ti ng, Extended, allows f or i ncr eased readin g dis tanc e.
Start/Stop Transmit
Setting t his parameter to on enables the transmissi on of start a nd st op cha racters,
which are usu all y not tr ansmit ted. Code 39 can s tar t a nd end wi th e ither a * or a $
chara cte r (s ee also next para meter Accepted Start Char).
Accepted Start Char
This paramet er a ll ows the user the option of using one of t he t wo sta rt/ st op
characte rs or both ($ char, * char, $ and * ch ar) .
Check Digit Verification
Uses the specified algo rit hm of t h e op tion you've cho sen t o ens u re the i nte gri ty of
the symbo l data be fore transmitt ing. I f t he dat a do es not cont ai n that algorit hm, the
data is not trans mitted. The avai lable options are: Disa bled, MOD 43 Check, French
CIP, or Italia n CIP.
Notes: French CIP (French pharmaceutical) is only used with bar codes contain-
ing 7 characters.
Italian CIP (Italian pharmaceutical) is also known as Code 32. It is trans-
mitted as a standard Code 39 if checksum is not validated.
Transmit Check Digit
If the che ck digit is to be tr ansm it ted with the data , thi s pa ram et er m ust be e nabled.
Minimum Length
Minimum lengt hs f or t he ba r cod e can be set from 0 to 255. The length of a code
refers t o the number of char acters (i .e., human readable c haracte rs), includi ng check
digit(s ).
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details .