
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 187
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP)
Standard 2 of 5 Format
This paramet er a ll ows you t o choose a stan dard for mat – ei th er Identicon (6
start/stop bars) or Computer Identics (4 start/stop bars).
Check Digit Verification
The available opti ons f or this para me ter ar e Disabled and MOD 10 Check. “Check
Digit Verifi cat ion” uses the spec ifi ed a lgor it hm of t he option you'v e chos en t o
ensure the integrity of t he sy mbol dat a be for e tr ansmi tt ing. I f t he da ta does not
contain t hat a lgor it hm, the data is not t ran smit ted.
Transmit Check Digit
If the che ck digit is to be tr ansm it ted with the data , thi s pa ram et er m ust be e nabled.
Set Length L1, Set Length L2, And Set Length L3
Lengths for “Dis crete 2 of 5” can be set from 0 to 255. The lengt h of a code refers to
the number of chara cters ( i.e., human readable char acter s), includ ing check digi t(s) .
Double-tapp ing on these parameters display s dialog boxe s where you ca n define th e
code lengt h tha t wil l be rec ogni zed by your scann er.
Length Mode
You can chose to set L1 as Minimum Length or L1,L2,L3 as Fixed Length.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Telepen
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “Telepen”.
This paramet er a ll ows you t o set the bar code char act er f ormat to either ASCII
or Numeric.