WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 27
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Performing A Cold Reset
A warm reset cl oses open appli cat io ns; a ny unsaved data are los t. Installed
programs and s aved d ata are preserved.
Note: You do not need to reset your WORKABOUT PRO after configuring the
2.8.2 Performing A Cold Reset Cold Resetting To The BooSt Menu
• Press and hold do wn the centre [SCAN] bar and then pre ss the [ FN/BLUE]
and [ENTER] keys si mult aneously for a mini mum of six seconds.
After a col d re set , the BooSt menu ap pear s, li st ing p ossible BooS t commands .
• To load the Windows CE 5.0 operating s yst em, type 1. Cold Resetting To The Windows 5.0 OS
To perform a cold reset a nd la unch t he Windows 5.0 operati ng s yste m ( bypa ssi ng
the BooSt menu):
• Press and hol d down t he [ FN/BLUE] [FN/ ORANGE] an d [ENTER] ke ys
simultaneo usly for a minimum of si x sec onds.