
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Uploading Data In A Docking Station
48 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
empty batte ry i s st ore d for a lo ng per iod of time such tha t t he ce ll voltage
drops below a lower limit.
To minimize s tor age de grad ation, recharge st ore d bat ter ie s to 4 0 to 60%
every 4 or 6 mont hs to prevent over-di scha rge damage.
A ‘never used ’ Li- Ion bat ter y tha t ha s been stored for 3 year s may ha ve
limited or no us eful li fe r emai ning once put into s ervi ce. Think of batterie s
as perish able goods.
3.8 Uploading Data In A Docking Station
Important: Review the documentation provided with the user application installed
in your WORKABOUT PRO before performing data uploads.
The desktop do cking stati on and quad doc king stati on ar e ty pica ll y used to upload
transact ion data to a ser ver compute r when a rad io l ink i s not ava il able .
Note: Refer to “Desktop Docking Station” on page 216 for more details.
The desktop docki ng station can complete bat ch uploads to a Client USB connec ted
PC or server. An optional 10/ 100bas eT Eth ernet module is als o available.
Unlike the d eskt op doc king statio n, the quad d ocki ng st ati on supports only TCP/IP
connectio ns to a PC or serv er t hrou gh a 10/ 100baseT Ethernet connection.
When a WORKABOUT PRO is properly i nse rt ed in a docking station, a dock ico n
is displ ayed i n the navigation bar at the top of the s cre en. The unit als o det ect s the
presence of the Ethernet net work.
3.9 Bluetooth Radio
Note: Integrated Bluetooth class II radios are standard on WORKABOUT
PRO C and S units. Keep in mind also that Bluetooth is available simulta-
neously with WAN and 802.11g on a single unit.
The WORKABOUT PRO is equipped with an on-boar d Bluetooth radio. This t ype of
radio enables s hort range dat a communication bet ween devices. The Bluetooth al so
provides the capa bility t o use a Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone as a data modem,
exchanging infor mation with other Bluetooth devi ces and providi ng network access .
Refer to “Bluetooth Setup” on page 109 for set up details.
You can also pair your hand-set wit h a Bluetooth headset.