WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 231
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Powered Vehicle Cradle Installation
The vehicle cra d le can be orde red wi th the powered c rad le option ins tal le d.
Warning: Applying a voltage greater than that specified or reversing or
reversing polarity may result in permanent damage to the cradle
power option and will void the product warranty. Wiring Vehicle Power To The Cradle
A 1.8 meter (6 f oot) ext ensi on power cable (PN 13985) is suppl ied wi th your
powered vehic le c rad le. This cable shoul d be wi red to a fil te red, fused (maximum
10A) accesso ry supply on the vehi cle . The powe r cr adl e dra ws no more than 8A
(less if t he accessory suppl y is greater tha n 12V). Any additiona l wiring, connect ors
or disconne cts used should be r at ed fo r at lea st 10A.
The red lead of t he power cable a tt aches to t he po sit ive vehi cle supply. The blac k
lead connec ts t o the negati ve su pply
–this shoul d be c onnect ed to a proper terminal
block and n ot to the ve hicle body. The power cradle i s fully is olated and c an be used
with both neg ati ve and positi ve ch assi s ve hicles.
You may have the option of c onnec ti ng power before or after the ‘key’ swi tch . It is
preferab le t o wire the power cra dle after the key swit ch
–that is, it can not be tur ned
on witho ut t he key on. However, if the opera tor swit ches the key of f rep eat edly for
long periods during a shi ft , it may ma ke more sens e to wire the c rad le before the
Keep in mind tha t the WORKABOUT PRO will continue t o operate with or withou t
vehicle power as long as its battery has sufficient charge.
If an unfus ed power sour ce must be used, a fuse assembly (PN 19440) must be
added to the ext ensi on power cable ( the fuse and i nst ruc tions are sup pli ed wit h th e
cable). Use only a 10A slow blow UL approved fuse in t he f use a ssembly.