WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual B-9
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
Tools Menu
tion is possible only if the Enable automatic configuration: checkbox
is unchecke d.
Tapping on the New button al lows yo u to c rea te a new profile.
Figure B.3 Creating A New Profile
The name of the newly crea ted p rofile must b e different fro m a ll e xisting pro fil es.
Also, the name c annot be Default. When the New Data Profile dialog b ox is
opened, a propo sal for a unique name is fil le d in t he c orr espond ing entry field. If a
manually conf igu red profile has a secret pass word and unauthor ize d acc ess to t he
device is a concern even a ft er t he SI M PIN has been entered, th e password shoul d
not be ente red i n th e New Data Profile dialog box a nd the Prompt user for pass-
word c heckbox should be checke d instead. In this c ase, you will be prompted for t he
password eac h ti me a conn ect ion i s i n it iat ed ( the Connect Data butt on in the main
Wireless WAN dialog box is se lected). If Force PAP authentication (Pa sswor d
Authentica ti on Prot ocol ) i s enabled, a si mple authentication protocol is used t o
authen ti cat e a us er t o a remote acce ss se rve r or Int erne t Se rvi ce Pr ovider.
The Reset button in t he New Profile and Edit Profile dialog boxes res ets all entry fie lds t o
the values the y had when the dial og box was ope ned.