
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Bluetooth Peripherals
236 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
The illumina ti on LEDs wil l f las h (t ypically se ver al t imes) and a picture of the bar
code(s ) i s ta ken.
6.13 Bluetooth Peripherals
The WORKABOUT PRO is equ ipped wit h a Bluetooth radio, making it is possible
to communicate with a variety of Bluetooth periphe ral s, i ncl uding GSM/GPRS
handsets, s canne rs, printer s, an d so on.
The range of t h e Bluetooth r adi o is li mi ted to approximate ly 5 m et ers .
Psion Tekl ogix p rovi des b u il t- in s uppor t for the Bluetooth peripherals l is ted belo w.
GSM/GPRS univers al h andse t
Bluetooth print er
Bluetooth headse t
Keep in mi nd that Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b/g radios both op erate i n the 2.4GHz
band. Although t he WORKABOUT PRO includes feat ures to minimize
interfe rence, performance of the system will not be opti mal i f you use both radios
simultaneo usly. Typical ly, when both radios o pera te i n th e hand -held at the same
time, they ca nnot tr ansmit si multa neously
this has a ne gative impact on ove ral l
system throughput. To minimize the impac t on t he ba ckbone 802.11g network,
Psion Teklogix r ecommends using Blue toot h per ip herals that have low transaction
rates (such as pri nt ers and scanners) .
Refer to “Bl uet ooth Se tup” on page 109 for informati on ab out s ett ing up your Blue-
tooth devices for communic ation. In addi tion, revi ew the manual shipped with your
Bluetooth d evic e to dete rmine the me thod used t o pai r with t he WORKABOUT
PRO host.