WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 193
Chapter 5: Configuration
Max Gain, Max Integration And Max Illumination
Important: These parameter values should only be changed by qualified Psion
Teklogix personnel.
These paramet ers represent int erna l val ues used by the 2D image r. The “Auto
Exposure ” parameter automatic ally adjus ts the “Ma x Gain”, “Max Integr ation” and
“Max Illuminati on” parameters to produce the best bar code read. Keep in mind that
“Auto Exposure ” must b e set to on in order f o r t hese para me ter val ues t o be
automatically adj uste d.
Double-tapp ing on any of the se pa ramet er s dis pla ys an a ssoc iat ed dialog box in
which an all owabl e ran ge i s dis played: Max Gain – 3 57 to 7920, Max Integ rat ion –
0 to 65535, Ma x Il lumina ti on – 0 t o 7.
Decoder Timeout
The decod er is a set of al gorithms that exa mine the image and attempt to find t he bar
codes, and then turn t he pi xel s int o dat a t hat the computer can use—thi s pr oces s
takes ti me. “Decoder Timeout ” li mi ts the amount o f t ime th e dec oder will spen d
attempting to decode an imag e, and f orces it to st op and grab a new i mage, whic h
will proba bly be eas ier to decode.
Note: When decoding multiple bar codes in one image, the value assigned to
‘Decoder Timeout’ should be increased to 200ms/extra bar code after the
Adaptive Windowing
“Adaptive Windowing” is an advance d te chni que used to spee d up ba r cod e
recognit ion in cert ain appl icati ons. This para meter aut omatical ly reduces the si ze of
the window to t he us er- progr ammed windo w s ize when i t su cces sful ly decodes
(which reduc es de code time the ne xt t ime it i s use d), but incre ase s it to t he f ull si ze
window (1280x1024 f or SX5303) on a fa il ed dec ode.
Note: This feature assumes that you have reached an understanding about how
the device operates in your application, and that, after a learning period,
operators will get used to using the imager in one particular way. It also
assumes that a trained operator will usually only have near miss scenar-