
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual B-5
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
Advanced Information
Search ing for GPRS
Ready to connec t
If the modem lo ses t he c onnection to t he GSM net work, t he fo llowing states are
repeated: Searching for network, Registered on network, Searching for packet data,
and Ready to connect.
Error States
The followi ng te mpo rary error sta tes (i .e., the se s tat es may disappear without int er-
action) may be di splayed:
Emer ge ncy ca ll s onl y.
The modem has found a network but is not a ll owed to regi st er ( e.g. no
roaming agre ement between netwo rks) . The mode m ke eps s ear chi ng for
anothe r net work.
No network found .
A network is not curren tl y avai la ble. The modem contin ues s earc h ing for
a network.
Packet dat a not avai lab le.
The current net wo rk doe s not supp ort a packet data ser vice .
Packet dat a not all owed.
The modem is no t al lowe d to use the pac ket d ata service on t he cur re nt
network (e.g. no GPRS roaming agr eement bet ween ne twork; a roaming
agree ment for voice may stil l be in place). It is also possibl e that you do not
have a subscr iption for GPRS a t all.
The remaining error s tat es a re permanent:
SIM is missing.
The SIM card is missing. After the SIM has been in serted a warm boot may
be required.
SIM failure.
The SIM card is permanently disabled (e.g. because the wrong PUK has
been enter ed to o many t imes) . A new SIM is neede d.
Modem fail ure.
The modem did not respond to commands as expected. I f a warm boot doe s
not clear thi s con dit ion, the modem may need t o be r epl aced .
NDIS error.
An internal sof twar e er ror has o ccurred. If a warm boot does not c lea r this
condition , Psion Teklogix technical suppo rt may need t o i nvest igate fur the r.