WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 81
Chapter 5: Configuration
Control Panel Icons
A public key i s t rans mi tted as part of a cer ti ficate. The cert ificate assigned
through thi s i con i s use d to ensure that t he submitted p ubli c key is, i n f act,
the public key t hat belongs to the submitte r. The client checks that the cer-
tifica te has been dig it all y signed by a cer ti fication auth ori ty that the c li ent
explicit ly t rusts. “Cert if icate Assignme nt” on page 108 direc ts y ou to the
appropriate setu p inf o rmat ion.
Allows you to s et t he current Month, Date, Time and Time Zone on
your unit.
Specifie s dia li ng set ti ngs, including area code, countr y code , dial type and
the code to disable cal l wai ti ng. You can store mul ti ple patt er ns—
for example, ‘Work’, ‘Home’, and so on using t his dialog box.
Changes the appearance (win dow col our scheme) on th e uni t des ktop.
Input Panel
Provides t he fr amework for a Soft Input Panel (SIP) shou ld you need to
design your own SIP, or cha nge so me soft keyb oard opti ons.
Internet Options
Provides opt ion s to configur e your Int er net b rowse r. You can determine
items such a s the def ault and search page t hat t he br owser appl ie s when
connecting to the I nter net , the cache size, th e I nter net conne cti on options,
and the sec urity level that is applie d when br owsing.
IPv6 Support
Refers to a new Internet Prot ocol spec ifi cat ion (version 6) that has been
published t o use 128-bit IP ad dresses (re pla cing version 4).