
Chapter 7: Specifications
EV15 Imager Decode Zone
258 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual EV15 Imager Decode Zone
7.5.3 HHP5180 Imager
UPC (E&A), EAN, RSS, Code 39, Code 128,
UCC/EAN 128, ISBN, ISBT, Interleaved,
Matrix, Industrial and S tandard 2 of 5, Codabar ,
Code 93/93i, Code 11, MS I, Pless ey, Telepen,
PDF417, M icro PDF4 17
Ambi e n t L ight
Works in any lighti ng condit ions, from 0 to
100,000 lux
Shock 2000G, 0.7ms, half sinus, 3 axes
Vi bratio n 50G r.m.s
0 Lux to 100,000 Lux
Minimum range Maximum range
Mil Size Inches Inches
52.5 7
10 3 14
20 2.5 22
40 3 35.5
High quality symbols in normal room light.
Parameter HHP5180
Image Se nsor 752 X 480 CMO S s en so r
Motion Tolerance 4 in. (10.2c m) pe r se co nd
Rotational Sensitivity 36 0°
Vi ew ing A ng l e ±40°
Ambient Light Total dark ne ss to 100,000 lux (full s unlig ht)
Illumination LEDs 626nm ±30nm
LEDs: 526nm ± 30nm
Laser: 6 50n m ± 10n m
Parameter EV15