
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 139
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Double-tapp ing on this paramet er di spl ays a dialog box in which y ou can enter a
value from 1 to 4.
Linear security level 1 specifie s tha t t he f oll owing code types must be succ essfully
read twice before being d ecode d:
“Linear security leve l 2” specifi es that al l t ypes of codes must be su ccessfull y rea d
twice befor e be ing decoded.
“Linear security leve l 3” specifi es that code types other t han the f oll owing must be
successfu ll y read twice be for e bei ng dec oded. Th e fol lowi ng cod es must be read
three times:
“Linear secu rity level 4” re quires that all code types be succe ssfully read three times
before bei ng dec oded.
Bi-Direction Redundancy
Note: This parameter is only valid if a” Linear Security Level” is enabled.
When this para me ter is enabl ed, a bar code mus t be s uccessfully scanned in bot h
directi ons ( for ward a nd reverse) befor e be ing decoded. Decoded (Internal) 2D Scanning Options
Scanning Mode
When you double- tap on thi s par amet er, a dialog box is di spl ayed in which you ca n
choose one of the followin g sca nning modes: Sma rt Raste r, Always Ra st er,
Programmable Ras ter, Slab Pattern, Cyc lone Patt er n or Se mi-Omni Pa tt ern.
Code Type Length
Codabar All
MSI Pl e ssey 4 or l e ss
D 5 of 5 8 or less
I 2 of 5 8 or less
Code Type Length
MSI Pl e ssey 4 or l e ss
D 2 of 5 8 or less
I 2 of 5 8 or less