WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 79
Chapter 5: Configuration
Remote Connect
5.1 Remote Connect
Remote Connect is a WORKABOUT PRO applicati on use d to c onnec t t o a
Windows Termi nal Server so that you c an run a “sessi on” on the Server machine,
using the WORKABOUT PRO (Windows CE 5.0 device).
Refer to t h e fo llowing websit e fo r step-by-s tep i nformation a bout s ett ing up this
or contact Psi on Teklogi x support ser vic es. ( Refe r to WORKABOUT PRO
Hand-Held Computer Regulatory & Warranty Guide, PN 8000126, or lo cat e the
off ic e cl oses t to you at www.psionteklogix.com).
5.2 The TekTerm Application
TekTerm is a powerful emulation appl ica ti on id eally suit ed fo r re al time data
transact ion appl ications associ ated with mainfra me s and s erv ers . The
WORKABOUT PRO includes unique fea tur es t hat suppor t TekTerm—a Psion
Teklogix a ppli cat ion that has the ability to maintain multi p le simultaneous s ess ions
with a vari ety of host computer s. For det ail ed i nfor m ati on, pl ease ref er to t he
TekTerm Software User Manual, PN 8000073.
5.3 The Control Panel
The Wind ows CE 5.0 Control Panel provides a gr oup of icons throu gh whic h you
can set a va ri ety of system-wi de pr oper ti es, s uch a s mouse s ensi ti vit y, network
configura ti on and t h e de skt op col or s cheme.
Note: If you are uncertain how to move around a dialog box and make selec-
tions, review “Using A Dialog Box” on page 71.
When the WORKABOUT PRO boots up, the startup desk top ( she ll) is dis played,
and any appli cations st ored in t he Sta rtu p fol der start up immedi ately.
To access t he Control Panel:
• Tap on Start>Settings>Control Panel.
If you’re usi ng the keyboard:
• Press [FN/BLUE] [ . ] t o dis pla y the
Start Menu.
• Highlight Settings in Start Menu, and press the [RIGHT] arr ow key t o
highlight the Control Panel.