Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Inserting A Battery In The Single Battery Charger
222 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
6.8.1 Inserting A Battery In The Single Battery Charger
• Insert t he DC power plug into the charger. Plug the pr onged e nd of the
power cable i nt o an AC out let .
• Install the battery, al igni ng t he cont act s on the batt er y with the conta cts in
the battery charge well.
6.8.2 Battery Charge Duration
It can ta ke up t o 4 hou rs to fully charge a bat te ry. The sing le battery charger st ops
applying power to the battery when it is fully char ged
–there is no risk of overchar ge
if the bat te ry r emains in t he c harge well . The 75% char ge i ndic ator is handy if you
need a quick recharge
–a quick charge oft en t akes les s th an one hour.
6.8.3 Charge Indicators–The LED
The LED on the top o f th e cha rger indi cates batt ery c harge progr ess .
Table 6.3 Single Battery LED Behaviour
Note: Battery charging continues whether the hand-held is switched on or off.
LED Behaviour Charge Status
Off No battery detected in the charge well.
Solid green Battery is fully charged.
Fast flas hing g r ee n Battery is ch arged to 75% of capa city.
Slow flashing green Charge in progress.
Solid red
Battery is outsi de am bien t tem pera t ure r a nge of
0° C to 45 °C (32° F to 113° F).
Flashing red
Charge alarm indicating a char g ing c ircuit problem . Refer to
“Trouble shooting ” o n pa ge 224 for details.
Flashing red the n green in a 3
seco nd c ycl e
Power up tes t se que nc e.