WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 223
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Quad Battery Charger–Model #WA3004-G1
6.9 Quad Battery Charger–Model #WA3004-G1
The quad batt ery char ge r i s des igne d to char ge up to four Lit h ium Io n bat ter ie s at
one time.
Note: The gang charger is shipped with a user manual. It is critical that this
manual be reviewed for additional information and updates.
6.9.1 Charging Batteries
• Slide the ba ttery into a char ge well, ali gning the contacts on the ba ttery with
the contac ts i n the charge well.
6.9.2 Battery Charge Duration
A fully di scharged battery can ta ke up to 4 hours t o charge. Th e quad battery char ger
stops appl ying p ower t o the battery when it is full y charged
–there is no r is k of
overcharge i f th e ba tt ery r emain s in the charge well . The 75% char ge i ndic ato r is
handy if you n eed a quick recharge
–a quick charg e oft en t akes le ss t han one hour.
6.9.3 Charge Indicators–The LEDs
Each batter y cha rge well i s equ ippe d wit h an LED to indicat e th e cha rge stat us of
the batter y . When a battery is ins erted in the char ger , the colour and beha viour of the
LED associate d with the charge well in use indic ate s t he st atu s of the charge. Refer
to Table 6.3 on page 222 for details .