WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 47
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Monitoring The Battery And Maximizing Run Time
3.7 Monitoring The Battery And Maximizing Run Time
Note: When the main battery is at 50% capacity, a ‘low battery’ warning is dis-
played. When the battery is at approximately 10% capacity, a ‘very low
main battery’ notification appears.
As Lithium Ion b att eri es age, their capacity de cre ase s gra dual ly, and they are
generall y considered d eple ted aft er a pproximately 2 year s of use ( le ss t h an 60% of
original capa cit y re ma ini ng). Keep in mind however t hat heavy usage or op era ti ng
the unit a t t empera tur e ext remes wil l shorten the battery life .
Lithium Ion ba tt eri es do not require conditionin g cycl es a nd th e WORKABOUT
PRO battery sy ste m (inc ludi ng char ger s) r equi re s no us er i nteraction to mai ntain
peak perfor mance.
To maximize th e run time of your bat te ri es, co nsider the f oll owing:
• The dis play backl ight is the largest dra in on t he battery. Try to kee p it s
brightnes s as low as possible.
• The hand-hel d is ‘event’ dri ven—that is , when t he unit is not in use, it
reverts to sleep mode (even when it a ppea rs t o be r unni ng), s avi ng bat ter y
power. Events include a key pr ess , touc hscr een t aps and s can t ri gger s.
Power consumpti on is reduced if yo u avoi d unne cess ary event s, and allow
the unit to sleep a s much a s poss ibl e.
• The batt er y is a ‘smart batt er y’ with built -i n int el lig ence.
Tapping on the Power ico n in t he Control Panel displ ays a dialog box tha t
provides de tai le d inf ormat ion about the batt er y st atus of t he mai n and
backup batt eri es i nst alled in your uni t.
• When the hand-he ld is switch ed o f f, it goes i nto a low-power, suspend st ate
but contin ues to draw a small amount of power from t he bat te ry. This
should not b e an i ssue u nles s the unit is l eft in suspend state fo r more tha n a
week—for long-t er m s torage, the batt ery s houl d be r emoved f rom th e uni t.
3.7.1 Storing Batteries
Long term batt er y sto rage is not recommended. If sto rage is n eces sary:
• Always tr y t o use a ‘f irst-in fir st- out ’ approach to minimize storag e ti me.
• Lithium Ion bat teries age much faste r at elevated t emperatures. S tore batter -
ies at te mpera tur es between 0° C and 2 0° C.
• Always ch ar ge b atteries to a t leas t 40 to 60 % befor e stor ing them. Bat terie s
can be damaged by an over-disch arge phenomenon that occ urs whe n an