
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
66 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
This folder pro vides acces s to the Summit Client Uti lity (SCU), a utilit y that allo ws
you to confi gure your Summit 802. 11b/g radio, model number RA2041.
Command Prompt
Command Prompt is used t o access th e DOS command prompt. At the pr ompt, you
can type DOS comma nds s uch as dir to display a ll the directories in the dri ve.
Internet Explorer
The WORKABOUT PRO is equipped wit h Micr osof t I nter net Explorer for
W i ndows CE 5.0. You can access the Internet Options ic on through t he Start Menu
under Settings, Control Panel or by double-tapping on t he desktop Internet
Explorer icon.
Remote Connect
Remote Connect is a WORKABOUT PRO applicat ion u sed t o con nect to a
Windows Termi nal Server so that you c an run a “sessi on” on the Server machine
using the WORKABOUT PRO (Wind ows CE 5.0 dev ice ). “Remot e Conne ct” on
page 79 provides a websi te wi th de tai ls about thi s op tion.
Windows Explorer
The W indows Exp lorer installed on your WORKABOUT PRO is consis tent with all
Windows CE 5.0 devi ces. You can access this opti on fr om the Start Menu under
Programs, Windows Explorer.