Chapter 5: Configuration
Power Management Properties
100 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual Suspend Threshold
The Suspend Threshold adjustmen t te ll s th e sys tem when t o sh ut down when the
battery d rai ns. I f l eft at t he default valu e, Maximum Operating Time, the hand-held
will run until the ba ttery is completely emp ty; the RAM is only backed up f or a short
period of t ime. I f yo u choos e Maximum Backup Time, the hand-held s hut s off with
more energy le ft i n t he bat te ry so RAM can be bac ked up for a longer peri od of
Important: Selecting Maximum backup time will reserve approximately 20%
of the battery capacity for memory backup. Once the battery is
drained, the system RAM memory is lost and the unit must cold
In most real-time transaction environments this is not a problem
(it only takes a few seconds to cold boot). Batch transaction envi-
ronments, where data is not saved to a non-volatile memory (such
as an SD FLASH card), may need to pay particular attention to
this parameter. Psion Teklogix does not recommend the storage of
any valuable data in system RAM.
The WORKABOUT PRO Windows CE 5.0 environment does not
store any critical data in RAM (such as the registry or file system).
If the user's application does not save data to RAM, Psion Tek-
logix recommends keeping the Suspend Threshold setting as low
as possible to maximize battery run time.