WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 39
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
Macro Keys (WORKABOUT PRO C Only)
• Press the [ F N/BLUE] ke y fol lowed by th e [7] key – the numeri c key t o
which functi on ke y [F7] is mapped.
• To access funct ion key [F8], pr ess [FN/BLUE] [8] , and so on. Macro Keys (WORKABOUT PRO C Only)
Important: Refer to “Keyboard Macro Keys” on page 90 for details about
creating macros.
WORKABOUT PRO hand-helds are equi pped wi th a series of mac ro ke ys that can
be programmed to repl ace frequen tly used k eyst rokes, along with t he function of
executabl e keys like the [ENTER] key, the [BKSP] key, any function ke y and arrow
key, and so on.
Alphanumeric ( 52- keys) keyboards have thr ee macr o keys: [M1] to [M3]. The se
keys are col our coded in orange print above al pha ke ys [ O], [P] and [ Q].
To access a macro key:
• Press the [ FN/ORANGE] key f ollowed by the a pprop ria te a lpha key f rom
[O] to [Q].
To access macro ke y [M1], press [FN/ORANGE] [ O].
To access macro ke y [M2], press [FN/ORANGE] [ P], and so on.
3.4.4 52-Key Keyboard – Accessing Alpha Keys
The alpha and numeri c keys on WORKABOUT PRO C units are direc tly accessible
from the keybo ard – no key combina ti on is requ ir ed.
3.4.5 25-Key Keyboard – Accessing Alphanumeric Keys
On 25-key WORKABOUT PROs, while numeric ke ys ar e di rec tl y acc essi bl e, al l
alpha char acters are printed on th e unit plast ic in orange typeface above the numeric
keys. An indic ator in the left cor ner of t he t askbar displays t he currently se lected
characte r. To access a n alpha charac ter, first pre ss t he [ORANGE] key and t hen
press the numeri c key above which t he a lpha char act er y ou want to type i s pr int ed.
Choosing A Single Alpha Character
The examples belo w illustrat e how to access, A, B and C, all of which are pr inted in
orange characters a bove t he numeric key [ 2].
Important: The letters you choose appear in the taskbar, providing a visual
indicator of which letter will be displayed on the screen.