
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
160 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Transmit Number System
If this par ameter is enabled, the number sy stem digit is transmit ted with the decoded
bar code dat a.
Addendum Add-on 2 And Addendum Add-on 5
An addendum is a s epar ate bar code, suppl ementa ry t o the ma in ba r co de.
Enabling these para meters define s th e le ngth of the add endum bar code to eith er
2 or 5 characters.
Addendum Required
When this par ame ter is set to on, the sca nner does not accept the main bar c ode
without an a ddendu m.
Addendum Separator
“Addendum Separa tor” is a space tha t is adde d between the UPC E bar code and the
Add-on code/Addenda. When this parameter is se t to on
, the scanner does not
accept th e ma in b ar c ode wit hout an addendum.
Refer to “Pr ef ix/ Suffix” be ginni ng on p age 144. UPC/EAN Shared Settings
Extended Coupon Code
This paramet er s peci fi es whet her or not the i mager wi ll rea d only UPC-A/EAN-13
bar codes t hat have addenda.
Note: The 2 or 5 digit addenda must be turned on/off, depending on the desired
behavior. Code 93
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “Code 93”.