7.5.4 SX5393 Imager
SF Working
6.6 mil
(.017 cm)
7.5 mil Linear
(.019 cm)
8.3 mil Data
(.021 cm)
8.3 mil QR
(.021 cm)6
10 mil Linear
(.025 cm)
13 mil UPC
(.033 cm)
2.8 in.
2.5 in.
3.4 in.
3.4 in.
2.2 in.
2.0 in.
6 in.
6.5 in.
5.7 in.
5.4 in.
7.6 in.
8.9 in.
*Data cha rac ter ize d a t 23°C an d 0 lu x ambient light.
Parameter HHP5180
Optical Resolution 1 0 24H x 10 24v
Field of view at 6 inches 5.12 in. x 5.12 in .
Pitch Angle ±45°
Skew Angle ±45°
Ambient Light 0 to 100,000 lu x ( full su nlight) 30 0 lux nom inal.
Minimum C o n t ra st 10 %
Tar geting Intuitive range finding 6 26 nm Red LED.
Self Illumination Red LED
Supply Voltage 5 V ± 10%
Power Supply 3.6 Volt DC nominal (2.7 - 5 Volts DC)
Connectivity USB 1.1 o r seria l as ync
Connector to the interface
Molex 52892 -1 295 or H iRo se FH1 2- 12S -.5 SH
Symbologies Supp or ted
Code 39; Co de 3 9 Full ASC II; UP C-A, - A 2, -A 5; UPC -E,
-E2, -E5; EAN- 8 -13; J AN; I 2of5; C od e 1 28; Codabar/NW7 ;
RSS 14, RSS Limited, RSS Expa nded, RSS 14 Truncated,
PDF417, microPDF417; Composite, CC-A, CC-B, CC-C;
image capture and signature capture, Data Matrix; QR Code;
Maxicode; Aztec Code; Planet; Postnet; Royal Mail 4SCC; 4
Sta te postal code s from Austr alia, Canada, Jap an; Korean Post
Operatin g Temperatur e -20° to +50°C (-4° to 12 2° F)
Stora ge Temper a tur e -30° to +60°C (-22° to 140°F)
Humidity 5% to 95% ( non -c ond en sing)
Image engine 4. 1 grams
Co-proc esso r boa rd 6.80 grams