Chapter 5: Configuration
Control Panel Icons
82 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Toggles ch aracter repeat on and off and specifies de lay and rate for repeated
characte rs. It also allows you t o adjust the keyboard ba cklight threshold and
inte nsity.
Manage Triggers
Allows multip le-scanner tri gger manage ment, i n cl uding the abil ity to con-
figure ea ch of the t rigger buttons. You can configur e the tr igger ID f or each
trigger butt on f or bot h si ngl e- and double-click, and the doubl e-c li ck ti me.
Network And Dial-up Connections
Displays a net work window fro m which the WORKABOUT PRO 802.1 1g
radio can b e conf igu red a nd an existin g conf igur at ion c an be executed.
Refer to “Conf ig uri ng The Summit RA2 041 802.11b/g” on page 13 for
Provides fiel ds in which you can spe cify owner info rmation. A Notes tab
allows additi onal informati on to be enter ed and displaye d when the uni t is
powered up. Network ID tab informati on is used to access network resources.
(This informati on should be provi ded by your System Administr ator.)
Allows you to a ssi gn a password to r est ri ct acce ss t o el ements of the unit.
Once assigne d, pass word access ca nnot b e ci rcumve nted so it is impor tan t
that you wri te d own your pass wo rd an d keep it in a s afe pla ce. Ref er t o
“Securit y Sett ings” on page 63 for det ail s.
PC Connection
Enables dir ect connect ions to a desktop computer. Selecti ng t he Change
but ton a llo ws you t o change the ty pe of dir ect conne ct t o
your PC.
Displays ba ttery pack powe r st atu s. (Al ter nat ely, batt er y status can b e
accessed t h rou gh the taskbar.) Additi onal ta bs al low you to deter mine
suspend sta tes , specify a su spend thr eshol d and, when seate d in either the