WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 99
Chapter 5: Configuration
Power Management Properties Power Saving Suspend
•In the Power Properties dialog box, open the Suspend tab.
Power Source
This dialo g box al lows you to spec if y the susp end time for either AC Power or
Battery Power.
Suspend Timeout
Important: Psion Teklogix recommends setting the Suspend value to 10 min-
utes. To further reduce power consumption, carefully consider the
duration of time that the display backlight is ‘on’ (see “Display
Backlight” on page 85).
When the WORKABOUT PRO is i dle—not receiv ing any user inp ut (a key touch, a
scan, a nd so on ) or system act ivi ty ( serial da ta, an activi ty i nit iated by an
applicat ion, and so on)—the hand-held uses the value assigne d in t he Suspend
Timeout field to determin e when the unit will go to sleep (a ppear to be off).
When the time in the Suspend Timeout field elapses without any act ivi ty, th e uni t
enter s suspend state. In susp end state , the WORKABOUT PRO CPU enters a sleep
state, an d th e radio is shut off. The s tat e of t he de vice (RAM cont ents) is pres erve d.
Pressing [ENTER] wakes the syst em fr om suspend state. When the WORKABOUT
PRO is in suspen d state, the n etwor k conn ection will not be broken i mmediate ly. If
the connect ion is droppe d, you must re -es tabl is h the net work connection .