WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual III
Composite 152, 167, 197
Concatenation 162
conference calls, creating 24
connection lis t tabl e, Bluetooth Controls
Constant Illumination 194
Continuous Scan Mode 138, 154, 175,
control panel
accessing 79
basic setup 84
Display Properties 84
icons 80
keyboard properties 87
power management properties 98
stylus properti es 103
Conv. UPC-E To UPC-A 147
Conv. UPC-E1 To UPC-A 147
Convert To Code 32 141
Convert To EAN 13 151, 180, 181
Convert To UPC -A 181
cradle See also Picker cradle 228
CTRL Key 38
cycle tasks 68
Data Matrix, 2D 170, 197
Decoded (HHP) parameters 154
decoded (internal) scanner parameters 137
decoded Intermec (ISCP) parameters 175
Decode Performance 142, 144
Decode Performance Level 143, 144
Decoder Timeout 193
DEL (BKSP) Key 38
Delete Char Set ECIs 140
Imager 65
Scanner 65
Signature 65
desktop connection, remote 79
desktop docking s t ation (WA4002) 216
Device Name, ch angi n g 116
dialer (phone), using 20
Dialer (phone) icon 46
dialing, phone number 20, 21
dialog box, usi ng 71
Diff Read Timeout 176
check digit 150, 163
Dim For (backlight) 86
Discrete 2 of 5 151, 165, 186
Discrete 2 of 5 151, 165
dismountin g part itions 131
appearance (colour scheme) 86
backlight 85
backlight, adjusting 41
Display Properties 84
Display Properties 84
docking device ic ons 46
docking st ation
uploading data us in g 48
docking st ations 213
desktop docking s tation 216
installation at site 214
operator controls 214
quad dock 225
Dot Time 137, 191
double-cli c k
appending characters to a decoded
bar code 200
scanner trigger 200
Double-Click, Manage T riggers menu
Double-Tap (stylus settings ) 103
DSSS, 802.11b/g radio 244
DUN service, Bluetooth 112
Duration 137
EAN 13 144, 157, 179, 194
EAN 8 145, 158, 180, 195
EAN-8 Zero Extend 145
ECI Decoder 141
Enable Bookland (UPC-EAN) 147
Enable CC-AB 153
Enable CC-C 153
Enable Plessy 184
Enable RSS Expanded 152, 166, 188
Enable RSS Limited 152, 166, 188
Enable RSS-14 152, 188
Enable TLC-39 153, 168
Encryption, Bluetooth Contr o ls 113
ESC Key 38
EV15 Specs 257
EV15 1D imager scanner specs 257
Factory Defaults On Reboot 191
Fast Converge (Imager) 192