
Chapter 7: Specifications
Safety Data
252 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual Safety Data Safety License
After standard charge, carry out 5 cycles of the fol-
lowing: 65° C and 90% hu midity for 8 hrs .
25°C and 65% humidity for 4 hrs.
-20°C for 8 hrs. 25°C and 65% humidity for 4 hrs.
Following tha t , pe rfo rm a f a st d isc harge, st an da rd
cha rge and t hen a fast di s c harg e. M e as ur e t he t ime
taken for the se con d dis ch arge.
100 minutes or more
Dry he at
After st and ard c ha rge, keep the ba tter y a t 60° C f or 8
hrs. C ar r y o u t a f ast d ischarge, s tandard char ge and
then a fast discharge. Measure the time taken for the
second discharge.
100 minutes or more
EMC/CE Testing
The battery will need to pass the requirements of the
EMC directive 89/336/EEC (and amendments) when
fitted into the produc t:
Emission s to EN 55 022 Cla ss B (1998) Immunity to
EN55024 (1998)
T est to be performed
by manuf ac tur er.
Electro-Static Dis-
charge Test
EN61000 -4 -8:
A. Contact Dis cha r ge : +/- 8k V for e ach c onta ct pad
by 10 times.
B. Air Discharge: +/-15kV for 10 times (the dis-
char ge tes t point is f or around battery ca sin g.)
No dam ag e
Description Condition Test Condition/Result
Short Circuit Test
After a s t an dar d charge, shor t
termi nal s an d di s ch arge f or 1 hr.
Protection circuit board to operate.
No explos ion, fi re, sm oke , or lea ka ge.
Over C ha rging Test
After a s t an dar d charge, char g e
continuous ly at 4.2V and 4A for
8 hrs.
Protection circuit board to operate.
No explos ion, fi re, sm oke , or lea ka ge.
Reverse Charging Test
After a s tandard disc ha rge,
rever s e- ch arge c ont i nu ous l y a t
4.2V and 4A for 8hrs.
Protection circuit board to operate.
No explos ion, fi re, sm oke , or lea ka ge.
Item License Standard
1 UL 1642
The lithium-ion cell has b een listed a nd p ass the UL1642 stan-
dard by UL La b. File No . MH 1238 3
Description Condition Standard