WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 105
Chapter 5: Configuration
Manage Triggers
•In the Manage Triggers screen you ’ll see a l ist of t ri gger mappings. Trigger Mappings
A trigger mapp ing i s an associa ti on bet ween a particular key on the keyboa rd a nd a
driver or appl ica ti on, th e module(s)– sometimes ref err ed t o as “trigger
consumer(s) ”–of the trigger sou rce . Along wi th ke yboar d keys , trigger so urce s ca n
also be gri p t riggers, ext erna l ha rdwar e tr igg ers or soft ware- based. When th e
specifi ed key is press ed, t he t rig ger consumer (for example, a dec oded scanner) i s
sent a me ssa ge.
Important: It is not possible to have two or more identical mappings—for
example [F1] cannot be mapped to the Non-Decoded Scanner
twice—even if the trigger type is different.
A keyboard key that is used as a trigger source will no longer gen-
erate key data or perform its normal function. For example, if the
space button is used as a trigger source, it will not be able to send
space characters to applications.
When a key is pre sse d and r el eased, then pre sse d agai n wit hin the configur ed ti me
(betwe en 0 to 1000 milliseconds) , a do uble-click occurs. See als o “Tr igger - Pres s
Type” on page 107.