Appendix C: Summit Client Utility (SCU) For Model RA2041
Diags Tab
C-10 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
C.1.5 Diags Tab
Use the Diags t ab a s a t roubl es hooting tool. Th e fun cti ons a re a s fol lo ws:
• (Re)Connect: Enables/Disab les the radio, app lie s/r eapplies cu rre nt config
and tries to assoc iat e an d aut hent ica te t o th e wir ele ss LAN, logging all
activit y in the output ar ea at bot tom of the d ial og box .
• Release/Renew: Obtains a new IP a ddress throu gh DHCP and lo gs al l
activit y in the output ar ea.
• Start Ping: Starts a cont inuous ping t o the addr ess in t he t ext box next to
this but ton. This is a t oggl e bu tto n so when you t ap on it , it ch anges to Stop
Ping. Closing thi s window or tappin g on ano the r but ton also sto ps th e pi ng.
• Diagnostics: Attempts to c onnec t or rec onnect to an AP, and provides a
more detail ed du mp of dat a t han i f you used (Re)connect. The dump
includes t he r adi o st ate , conf ig se tt ings , global sett ing s and BSSID li st
of APs. The SCU is sav ed to a fi le called _sdc_diag.txt in the Windows
Ping Address
Ping Results