
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual C-5
Appendix C: Summit Client Utility (SCU) For Model RA2041
Config Tab
EAP-TLS: Uses t he same technolo gy as a fol low- on to Secure Sock et
Layer (SSL). It provid es st ron g security, but re li es on client cer ti fic ates for
user au the nti cat ion.
PEAP: Provides secure user authentic ati on by u sing a TLS tunnel to
encrypt EAP traf f ic. Two differ ent i nner methods ar e use d wit h PEAP:
EAP-MSCHAPV2, resulting in PEAP-MSCHAP: This is ap propr iat e
for use again st Windows Active Direct ory a nd domains.
EAP-GTC, resulting in PEAP-GTC: This is for authentication with one-
time passwords ( OTPs ) a gain st OTP da taba ses such as SecureI D.
LEAP: Is an a uthe nti cat ion met hod for use wit h Cis co WLAN access
points. LEAP does not requ ire the use o f server or client certi ficat es. LEAP
supports Windows Active Direct ory a nd domai ns but requir es t he us e of
strong passwords to a void v ulnerability t o offli ne di cti onar y at tac ks.
EAP-FAST: I s a successor to LEAP and does not require strong pass words
to protec t aga ins t off line di ctionary attacks. Like LEAP, EAP-FAST does
not requir e t he use of server or cl ient cer tificates and support s Windows
Active Dire ctor y and domains.
Note: PEAP and EAP-TLS require the use of Windows facilities for the configu-
ration of digital certificates.
The followi ng EAP type s ar e supported by the i ntegrated supplicant an d can b e
configure d in SCU: PEAP-MSCHAP, PEAP-GTC, LEAP an d EAP-FAST. With
each of the se f our t ypes, if aut hent ica tion credent ial s a re no t st ore d in the config,
you will be pr ompted to ente r cr edent ia ls t he f ir st t ime the radio attempts to
associat e to an access poin t t hat s uppor ts 802.1X (EAP).
Consider th e fol lowi ng when c onfiguring on e of the EAP t ypes :
PEAP-GTC: SCU supports static (l ogi n) pa sswords only.
LEAP: S t rong p asswor ds a re r ecommende d.
EAP-FAST: SCU supports automatic, not manual, PAC provisioning.
EAP-TLS will work wit h a RA2041 radi o modul e when Windows Zero Config
(WZC) rather than the SCU is used to c onfi gur e the typ e. With WZC, the native
Windows supplicant instead of the SCU in tegr at ed supplicant is used.