
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
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B-12 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
‘Available’ status, it does not necessarily follow that it can be used or that
the roaming agreement covers GPRS.
A status of ‘Forbidden’ indicates that the network cannot be used. If you
choose a network that is not covered by a roaming agreement, the status in
the main WWAN dialog box changes to ‘Emergency calls only’, ‘No net-
work found’, ‘GPRS not available’ or ‘GPRS not allowed’.
Driver Mode Configuration
By default, t he Wireless WAN driver is ena ble d (t he Enable driver checkbox is
checked). The dr iver must be di sabled in order to use the modem for anythi ng other
than GPRS (e.g. dia l-up dat a, f ax, or in or der to manu all y submi t AT commands to
the modem for deve lopment, testing, ap provals, etc.). If the Enable driver chec kbox
is not checked , the driver is shut down as soon as the OK butto n in the Driver Mode
dialog box i s cho sen.
If, on t he oth er hand, th e Wireless WAN driver is not runni ng and the Enable driver
checkbox is checked, t he Wireless WAN driver is sta rt ed as soon t he Driver Mode
dialog box i s cl ose d usi ng the OK button.
Note: When the driver is not running, no network status or signal strength can
be displayed.
Since all curr ent ly s uppor ted GSM modems ar e au tomat ica lly detected, the Enable
automatic port detection checkbox shoul d always be check ed. If th is checkbox is
not checked, a serial port can be selected manually . This experimental feat ure allows
the drive r to be us ed with an inte rnal GSM modem that was not recognized by the
automatic d ete cti on or an external GSM modem connected to a ser ia l por t of the
computer thr ough USB or through Bluetooth. An external modem conn ect ed to a