
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Maintaining The Vehicle Cradle
230 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
6.11.4 Maintaining The Vehicle Cradle
Two latches in t he cradle hold t he WORKABOUT PRO firmly in pl ace. Although
these lat che s ar e designed for robustness a nd end uranc e, t hey wil l wea r ove r t ime
and will no l onger lock the hand -hel d securely i n th e cra dle. For replacement parts
and instr ucti ons contact Psion Teklogix. Partial disas sembl y is r equi re d.
6.11.5 Powered Cradle Installation In High Voltage Vehicles
Warning: Voltages exceeding 60VDC are considered hazardous. For powered
cradle installations on vehicles with batteries above this voltage,
ensure the powered cradle power connector is mounted in a dry
location on the vehicle, or that the connector is insulated with an
appropriate waterproof material after installation. The connector
must also be installed out of the vehicle operator’s reach. Exposing
an accessible power connector to water or other liquids could create
a hazardous situation resulting in serious injury or death.
Install ati on of power ed cr adl es i n vehi cles that opera te above 60VDC require
special consider ati on.
Due to the haz ardous volta ges pr ese nt on these veh icl es, i t i s ne cessary to en sure
that the p owere d cradle power s uppl y cabl e co nnect or i s not acc essible to the
vehicle op erat or, and does not get e xpose d to water or other li quids. This can b e
accompli she d in one of the f oll owing ways:
Ensure t he p owe r co nnect or i s i nstalled in a dry location on the vehic le,
away from the vehicle operator’ s reach (perhaps under a vehicle dash or in a
sealed hous ing) .
Cover the power connecto r wit h a wat erp roof heat shr ink mater ial .
W rap t he connector se curely wi th a waterproof electric al tape in an a rea out
of the vehi cle oper ators reac h.
All other i nst al lat ion requireme nts outl ine d in t his document sho u ld a lso be
followed f or Hig h Voltage veh icles t o insure safe i nsta ll ati on and operation of the
powered c rad le.
6.11.6 Powered Vehicle Cradle Installation
The powered cr adle is designed to allow the WORKABOUT PRO to be p owered by
a vehicle battery. The batte ry installed in the hand- hel d is also re charg ed by t he
vehicle ba tt ery. Th is op ti on acc epts DC power sourc es r angi ng fr om 9 to 2 0V, wi th
optio nal p re-regulat o r.