
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 5
Chapter 1: Introduction
Multi-Media Chipset
NVIDIAGoForce 4 000 Mult i-Medi a Pr oces sor
Real-Time Clock
CPU independe nt RTC capable of maintain ing the system date and time for
at least 3 months wit h a fully charged bac kup bat te ry
User Interface
Color Touch Sc ree n Displ ay 3.6 in.(9.144 c m) dia gonal
Full VGA 480x640 res olution
Transf lec ti ve, por tr ait mode TFT
Adjusta ble Ba ckli ght
Touchscre en
Passive st ylus or finger operation
Signatu re capture
Full Alp ha-Numer ic ( C mo del)
•Numeric (S model)
Ergonomically e nhanc ed fo r ambi dextrous, one- hand op era tio n
Backlit , hi gh dur abil it y har d-capped keys
Wireless Communication
Optional ex pansi on modul es f or:
802.11b/ g ( via Compac t Fl ash) oper at ing i n th e 2.4GHz ban d:
Supports IEEE 802.11b data rates of 1,2,5.5 and 11Mbps using Direct
Sequence Spread Spectru m (DSSS).
Supports IEEE 802.11g data rat es of 6,9,12,24,36,48 and 54Mbps,u sin g
Orthagonal Fr eque ncy Division Multiplexing (OFDM) bas e band modu-
GSM/GPRS EDGE (via expansion int erf ace )
Quad-Band – 8 50/90 0/180 0/1900
Voice and Dat a
GPRS Class B, Multi-Slot Cl ass 12