
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 83
Chapter 5: Configuration
Control Panel Icons
Combo Dock or Quad Doc k, det er mine whet her or not a ba tt ery t hat
requires it can be recalibrated . This dialog box als o al lows yo u to activate
card sl ots an d built-i n devices . (Refer t o “Devices” on page 102 f or detail s.)
RDC Licenses
The Terminal Services licen se server stores all license tokens that have been
install ed f or a group of t ermin al servers a nd tr acks licen ses i ssu ed. The
Remote Desktop Licenses (RDC) application di spl ays l ic ense ‘t okens’ for
devices t hat c onnect to a Termina l Server.
Region & Language
Allows you to s peci fy the local language tha t is to b e dis pla yed on the
hand-held screen alon g with the f ormat of number s, currency, time and date
for your r egio n.
Remove Programs
Lists the progr ams t hat can be remove d fr om your un it. To remove a pro-
gram, select it and t hen c li ck on t he Remove b utt on.
Storage Manager
Allows the us er t o vi ew inf ormation about the storage d evic es t hat are
present, s uch as SD-MMC fl ash cards. For detail s, see page 128.
Adjusts how W i ndows CE 5.0 recognizes your double -tap (as slow or ra pid
succes si ve ta ps) . In t h e Calibration tab , you ca n rec ali bra te your t ouch-
screen by t appi ng on t he Recalibrate button and fol lowi ng th e directio ns
on the screen.
Displays sy stem and memory proper ti es. I n th e Memory tab, you can al lo-
cate memory bet ween s tor age memory and progra m memory.
Teklogix Scanners
Provides s canner paramet ers and the bar code symbol ogies that the WORK-
ABOUT PRO scanner wil l successfull y rea d.