
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 183
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP) Codabar
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “Coda bar”.
Start/Stop Transmit
Codabar can us e the following se ts of character s as start and st op c hara cte rs:
a, b, c, d
A, B, C, D
a, b, c, d, /, t, n, * , e
DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4
Thus, when a set is c hosen, the fir st and l ast digi ts of a Codabar message must be
one of those char act ers and the bo dy of t he mes sage shoul d not cont ain these
chara cte rs. Setting t his par am eter to Not Transmitted strips the sta rt and st op
characte rs f rom t his bar code.
CLSI Library System
When enabl ed, spa ces are inse rt ed after cha rac ter s 1, 5, 1 0 in t he 14 -character label
(used in t he USA by li braries using t he CLSI syst em).
Check Digit Verification
When enabl ed, thi s paramet er chec ks the i nte grity of a symbol t o ens ure it complie s
with a speci fied algorithm – either USS (Uni for m Symbology Spe cif ication) o r
OPCC (Optical Pro duct Code Counc il).
Transmit Check Digit
If the che ck digit is to be tr ansm it ted with the data , thi s pa ram et er m ust be e nabled.
Set Length L1, Set Length L2, And Set Length L3
Lengths for “Codabar” can be set fr om 0 to 255. The length of a co de re fers to the
number of char act ers (i.e., human reada ble char act ers ), i ncl uding check digit(s).
Double-tapp ing on these parameters display s dialog boxe s where you ca n define th e
code lengt h tha t wil l be rec ogni zed by your scann er.
Length Mode
You can choose to set L1 a s Minimum Leng th or L1,L2,L3 as Fixed Length.