Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Voice Menu
24 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Call Management
The Call Management option on ly be comes available in the Voice menu when at
least one phone call is eit her On hold or Active. When you choose this command,
the curre ntl y active phone cal l(s ) i s l ist ed i n a di alo g box.
Using the dr op-do wn menu, you c an choo se t o:
• Hang Up All Calls - This option only appears when more t han one call is
liste d.
• Hang Up - This option disconnec ts only the call you’ve highlight ed in
the list.
• Hold - This o pti on pl aces the cal l you ’ve highlighted on hold.
• Retrieve - This optio n is o nly available when a call i s on hold, and
choosing it r etr ie ves t he ca ll you have highli ghte d fr om hold .
•In the Call Management li st , highlight t he phon e number to whi ch you ’d
like to ap ply a command.
• Choose a command from the drop-down menu, and ta p on Execute to carry
out the command on the highlighted phone number.
If you have t wo active calls on your hand- hel d, one On Hold and one Active, you
can set up a conference call between yourse lf a nd t he ot her callers. To s et up a con-
ference call:
• Highli ght t he phone number th at i s currentl y On Hold, and choose
Retrieve. Tap on Execute.
Both calls will be l is ted a s Active in the Call Management list. All cal ls are now