
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 219
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories
Linking A WORKABOUT PRO To An Ethernet Network
Transfer Between The PC & The Hand-Held” on page 20.
To link the WORKABOUT PRO to a PC:
Insert t h e ha nd-he ld i n th e des ktop docking st ati on.
Insert the USB cable int o the docking station Clie nt USB connector. Attach
the other end of the cabl e t o a USB port on the PC.
6.5.7 Linking A WORKABOUT PRO To An Ethernet Network
An USB-Ethernet ada ptor cable model number WA4010-G1 is used to connect
the WORKABOUT PRO to an Ethernet network throu gh a desktop docki ng stati on.
Insert t he adaptor’s USB connect or i nto the Host USB port on the de skt op
docking station.
Connect y our ne twor k Ethe rnet cable to th e Ethe rne t por t on the adaptor
cable. Network Access
The hand-hel d uni t aut o mati cal ly d ete cts insert ion int o the desktop dock and load s
the appropriate drivers to communicate with the USB-Ethernet conv ert ers .
Network Addressing
The host appl ica ti on use s st andard TCP/IP pro toco l t o name, l ocat e and
communicat e wit h a s peci fi c WORKABOUT PRO on the net work.
If a link is e sta bli shed between a WORKABOUT PRO and a host, the ap pli cat ion
on the host and on the ha nd-he ld mus t hav e a r ecove ry mechanism in t he eve nt t hat
the WORKABOUT PRO is removed from the dock, i nterrupti ng th e li nk.
6.5.8 Troubleshooting The Docking Station Operations
The indicat ors , appl ica ti ons a nd dri ver s required to use and monitor the deskt op
docking sta ti on as a dock (as oppos ed to a charger) ar e ins ta lle d on the
no applications are pres ent on the dock ing s tat ion itsel f.
6.6 AC Wall Adaptor– Model #PS1050-G1
The AC wall adapt or availabl e for your WORKABOUT PRO allows you to ope rate
your han d-he ld us ing AC power whil e char gin g the battery inserted in the unit.