
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 163
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
Plessey Minimum And Plessey Maximum Length
These paramet ers appl y to Plessey b ar c odes.The length o f a c ode r efe rs t o th e
number of char act ers (i.e., human reada ble char act ers ), i ncl uding check digi t( s) .
Double-tapp ing on these pa ramet ers displays a sc ree n in which you can s et the
minimum and maximum allowa ble c ode l engt hs – 4 to 48.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Code 11
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “Code 11” .
Check Digits
Double-tapp ing on this paramet er di spl ays a dialog box in which y ou can choose
One Check Digit or Two check digits.
If this parameter is set to One Check Digit, it is assumed that the last digit is a check
digit. If it is set to Two Check Digits, it is ass umed tha t t he l ast two di git s ar e check
Minimum And Maximum Length
The length of a code refer s t o the number o f cha rac ter s ( i.e., h uma n re adabl e
characte rs), includi ng check digit (s). Double-tappi ng on these paramet ers displa ys a
screen in which you can set the minimum and maximum allowable code lengths – 1
to 80.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Interleaved 2 of 5
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “I nter leaved 2 of 5” .