WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 155
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
Low Power Timeout
To extend laser li fe , you can select the len gth of time the sca nner remai ns ac ti ve
following a succ essful decode. The scanner wake s fr om low power mode when a
bar code is scanned – a succ ess ful decod e re stor es normal blinking.
When you double- tap on thi s par amet er, a dialog box is di spl ayed in which you ca n
choose a val ue of 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min or 3 min.
Note: This parameter is only used if the Trigger Mode has been set to Continu-
ous On and the hand-held is mounted in a fixed position; otherwise, ‘Low
Power Timeout’ is not used. Code 39
Setting t his parameter to on enables “Code 39 ”.
Strip Start/Stop Chars
Codabar uses t he c haracters A, B, C, an d D as st ar t an d sto p char acters. Thus, the
first and las t digi ts of a Codaba r messag e must be A, B, C, or D, a nd the body of the
message shoul d not cont ain these cha rac ter s. Set ti ng t his p ara meter to on strips the
start an d st op characters from this bar code.
Check Char
When this parameter is set to Validate only, the int egri ty of a “ Code 39” symbol is
checked to e nsure that i t co mplie s wit h spe cif ied algorithms.
If “Check Char ” is set to Validate and Transmit, the check char acter is va lidated and
transm itt ed wi th t he data.
Setting t his parameter to None disables t his func ti on.
Minimum And Maximum Length
Minimum and Maximum le ngths for the bar code c an be set fro m 0 to 48. The
length of a code refers to the number of cha racters (i.e., human r eadable char acters),
including chec k digit(s).