WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 251
Chapter 7: Specifications
Standard Discharge Standard Discharge
Note: Standard charge is defined as charging with constant voltage limit of 4.2V
and constant current limit of 0.9A; the termination charge occurs when
the current drops to 45mA.
Standard discharge is defined as discharging at a constant current of
350mA until the battery protection circuit switches the battery output off in
over-discharge mode.
Acceptance Test Specifications
10 Shor t- circ uit de lay tim e 160µs 200µs 240µs
11 Reco ve ry charge curren t 0.5mA 1mA 2mA
Description Condition Standard
Open circ uit volta ge After s tand ard c ha rge, me as ure w ithin 2 4 ho ur s. 4.15V or mor e
Internal R e sis tanc e After standard cha rge, meas ur e w ithin 2 4 ho ur s. 150 m max.
After s t and ar d charge, measure t i m e t a ken f or a f a st
110 minutes o r mor e
Charge /Discharg e
After rep eating s t and ard c ha rge and f ast dis charge,
measur e the f ast dis charge time after 30 0 dis ch arge
90 minutes o r more
After standard charge, measure the time taken for a
stan dard discha rge.
500 minutes or more
Over Discharge
After s tand ar d c ha rge, app ly a sta nda rd dis charge
followe d by a s t an dby discharge. Then me as ur e
capacity after carrying out standard charge and then a
fast discharge.
110 minutes o r mor e
Self dischar ge
After a sta nda r d ch arge, ke ep ba tte ry at 25°C f or 30
days. Measure the ti m e t a ken for a f as t di s charge.
100 mins or mo r e
Perfor m a sta nda r d ch arge a nd fa st discharge at 0°C ,
25°C and 40°C an d me as ur e d the time take n f or a
fast d isc harge a t 25°C .
100 mins. @ 0°C
110 mins. @ 2 3°C
105 mins. @ 40°C
Item Description Specification