
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP)
178 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual Code 128
Setting t h is para me ter to on enables “Code 128”.
“GS1-128” is t he GS1 i mp lementat ion of the Code 128 bar code s peci fi cat ion. Th e
former corr ect name was UCC/EAN-128.
GS1-128 Identifier
“GS1-128 Ident if ier ” al lows the AI M ID " ] C1" f or EAN 128 t o be t ran smitt ed or
removed. By defau lt , this identi fi er is t ran smit ted i f EAN 128 i s en abled.
GTIN Compliant
GTI N (global tr ade item numbe r) process ing transmit s EAN 128 as the 14-c haracter
EAN/UCC GTIN. To use GTIN processing, you must act ivate the EAN 128
Important: When EAN 128 and GTIN processing are both activated, it is not
possible to read normal EAN 128 Codes.
FNC1 Conversion
“FNC1 Convers ion” allows the FNC1 character to be converted to another chara cter
for appli cat ions that cannot use t he default < GS> Group Se par ator or h ex (1d).
Double-tapping on this option displays a dialog box listing the allowable
range – 0 to 255.
Enable ISBT 128
To success fully scan this type of ba r code (Inte rna tio nal Society of Blood
T r ansfusion) , this opt ion must be s et to on. If you enable thi s type of bar code, Code
128/EAN 128 is dea cti vat ed t o avoi d any confusion .
ISBT Concat Transmit
The codes are not concatena ted by def aul t. You need to choo se one of t he opt ions
provided f or t his parameter to s end c oncat enat ed code. Choosing Only
Concatenated Codes tra nsmit s onl y concatenate d code s—singl e codes will not be
transmitt ed. Choo sing Concatenated or Single transmits si ngle codes or