
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 241
Chapter 7: Specifications
WORKABOUT PRO Specifications
- Sunl ight readable (for outdoor use)
- High r el iabi li ty LED backl ight
- Easily repl ace able and c ust omi zabl e be zel
Touchscre en
- Passive sty lus or f inge r ope rat ion
- S ig nature captu re
- Full Alpha-Numer ic ( C model)
- Numeri c (S mode l)
- Ergono mical ly e nhanced for ambid extr ous, one- hand operatio n
- B ackl it , hig h dura bil it y har d -c apped keys
Indic ato rs And Con trols
- LED indi cat es batter y charge st atus
Programming Environment
Psion Teklogix Mobi le De vices SDK
Hardware De vel opment Ki t ( HDK)
.NET and C++ pr ogra mming using Microsof t® Visual Stu dio® 2005
Java progra mming supporting J DK 1.2.2 or higher
S ta ndar d Prot ocol APIs
- Windows sockets (CE .net)
Application Software
Internet Expl orer 6.0 i ncl.with Windows CE 5.0
Unique Ps ion Tekl ogix Voice Dialer and Con tac ts Manager incl.Windows
CE 5.0
PTX Connect VoIP
Optiona l Open TekTerm t ermin al emulation s oft ware, s uppor ts IBM
5250,IBM 3270, HP2392, ANSI and TESS
Mobile Control Cent er ( MCC) d evic e manage ment