WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 131
Chapter 5: Configuration
Partition Management
5.8.3 Partition Management
Partiti ons c an be indi vidu all y dismounted, mounte d, del ete d, or for matte d as well.
These an d addi ti onal tas ks ar e availabl e fr om the Part ition Proper ties dialog:
To dismount a partition :
1. Choose the des ir ed par ti ti on.
2. Tap the Properties button. Th e Partition Properties dial og appears.
3. Tap the Dismount button. The par tit io n is d ismount ed. The asterisk
disappear s next to it s name i n the par ti tions list.
To delete a par ti ti on:
1. Select th e desired parti ti on.
2. Tap the Delete button. A warning dialog appears.
3. Tap the OK butt on. The pa rt iti on i s del et ed.
To format a p art it ion:
1. Choose the des ir ed par ti ti on.
2. Tap the Properties button. Th e Partition Properties dial og appears.
3. Tap the Dismount button. The par tit io n is d ismount ed. The asterisk
disappear s next to it s name i n the par ti tions list.