WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 179
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Intermec ISCP)
concatenat ed c odes. If only on e code of a pair is read, that co de wil l be tr ansmit te d
as a singl e code . If both codes in a pair ar e det ect ed, t hey wi ll be concate nat ed
provided t hat ISBT Concat Any Pair ( see bel ow) is enabled.
ISBT Concat Any Pair
Enabling thi s paramet er causes all code pa ir s that ca n be, to be conca tenate d even if
they do not c omp ly wit h Sec tion 4.1 of the “ISBT 128 Bar Code Symbology and
Applicati on Spec if ication for Label in g of Whol e Blood and Blood Components”
(June 2000, Version 1.2.1) .
Reading Range
Determines t he reading dist ance from which a ba r code can be succ essfully scanned.
The default setting Extended, allows for i ncreased re adin g dis tanc e.
Check Digit Verification
The availabl e options for this parameter are Disab led or French CIP. This parameter
uses the sp eci fied algori thm of the option you 've c hosen to e nsure the integr it y of
the symbo l data be fore transmitt ing. I f t he dat a do es not cont ai n that algorit hm, the
data is not tr ans mitt ed.
Note: French CIP (French pharmaceutical) is only used with bar codes contain-
ing 7 characters.
Minimum Length
Minimum lengt hs f or t he ba r cod e can be set from 0 to 255. The length of a code
refers t o th e number of characte rs ( i.e ., human re adab le c haracters) , inc ludi ng
check digi t(s ).
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . EAN 13 Settings
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “EAN 13”.