WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 123
Chapter 5: Configuration
Total Recall
5.7 Total Recall
Total Recall is a Psion T eklogix utility developed to back up/re store applications and
settings . Keep i n mind t hat to protect your data fro m eras ure d uri ng a ‘clean start ’,
the Total Recal l profil e must be stored on a SD/MM C card or exter nal ly t o the
device on a USB memory s ti ck or on a PC.
Note: In Windows CE 5.0, the registry and installed programs are stored in the
Flash file system and are not lost on reset. However, in special cases
where Psion Teklogix personnel find it necessary to perform a clean start,
this will reset not only the registry settings to factory defaults, but will
also erase any files or applications stored or installed on the built-in
Flash file system, including any Total Recall profiles. This is why any data
that needs to be protected must be stored on a SD/MMC card or exter-
nally to the device on a USB memory stick or on a PC.
•In the Control Panel, choos e the Total Recall
Figure 5.12 Total Recall Icon