Chapter 7: Specifications
Super High-Capacity (Model WA3010)
250 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
7.3.2 Super High-Capacity (Model WA3010) Electrical Specifications
Note: The electrical specifications apply for ambient temperature TAMB of 0° to
°C unless otherwise stated.
Battery Pack Electrical Specifications
Impact sho ck re sis -
3 cy cles of 50G 11ms , 1/2 sine pu lse acceler ation
applied in 6 dir ections . 18 s hocks total.
ESD protection - Accordance with EN610 00- 4-8
Item Description Specification Remark
1 Interface C hipset Maxim DS27 62 -
2 Rated Voltage 3.7V Typical
3 Rated C a pac ity 40 00m Ah Typical
4 Rated Cha rge Cur rent 1.2A Maximum
5 Char ge Voltage 4 .2 +/- 0.05V Maximum
6 Discharge Cut-Of f Voltage 2.6V Typical
7 Char ge Me thod
Constant volta ge
Current limited
8 Discharge Curr ent 0.5C (-20°C to 60° C) Typical
9 Internal R e sis tan ce 150 m Maximum
10 Char gin g Temperatur e 0 to 40 Typic al
Item Description Specification
Minimum Typical Maximum
1 Over voltage de tectio n voltage 4.325V 4.350V 4.375V
2 Charg e e nable 4.10V 4.15V 4.20V
3 Under voltage detection voltage 2.5V 2.6V 2.7V
4 Over current de tec tion c urr en t 2.9 7A 3.17A 3.36A
5 Short-circuit de tec tion c urrent 9.9A 13.33A 16.83A
6 Short-circ uit de tec tion vo ltage 150mV 200mV 250 mV
7 Over voltage delay tim e 0.8 s 1s 1.2s
8 Under v oltag e de lay time 90ms 100ms 110ms
9 Over current delay time 5ms 10 ms 20ms
Description Test Reference Test Condition/Result