
Chapter 3: Getting To Know Your WORKABOUT PRO
General Maintenance
50 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Orient the SD/MMC or SIM c ard according to the l ege nd st amped i nto t he
battery wel l p lastic.
For SD/MMC cards, slide the card into the lower slot, pushing it inward
until it latches i nto pl ace.
For a SIM ca rd, s lide the car d in to t h e uppe r sl ot , pushi ng i t i nward until it
latches into place.
Swing the hinged door bac k int o pl ace, a nd sna p it shut .
To remove the car d:
Gently pres s it in wa rd s lightly unt il the d etent unlat ches , and t he ca rd is
expelled f rom t he sl ot.
3.11 General Maintenance
3.11.1 Caring For The Touchscreen
The top o f th e tou chscreen is a thi n, fl exi ble polyest er pl as tic sheet wit h a
conductive coat ing on the ins ide . The pol yest er can be per manently damaged by
harsh chemic als and is sus cept ibl e t o abr asi ons a nd scr at ches . Us ing shar p obj ect s
on the touchscreen c an sc rat ch or cut the plastic, or crack the internal conductive
The chemicals listed bel ow must not come int o cont act with the touchscreen:
sodium hydroxi de,
concentrated caustic solutions,
benzyl alc ohol , and
concent ra ted a cid s.
If the to uchsc ree n is used in harsh e nvir onment s, con side r ap plyi ng a disposable
screen protector (WA6110). These cove rs reduc e t h e cl ari ty o f t he di spla y sl ightly
but will dr amati cal ly extend th e use ful li fe of the touchscr een . Whe n the y become
scratche d and a braded, they ar e ea sil y removed and repl aced.
3.11.2 Cleaning The WORKABOUT PRO
Important: Do not immerse the unit in water. Dampen a soft cloth with mild
detergent to wipe the unit clean.
•Use only mild detergent or soapy wat er t o cl ean t he ha nd-held unit.