WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 129
Chapter 5: Configuration
Creating Partitions
1. Choose Start> Settings>Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, double-click on the Storage Manager icon. The
Storage Manager menu opens:
3. Choose the memory c ard f rom t he dr op-down list.
4. Press t he Dismount butt on to dismount the memory card. All parti tions
on the card will be dismounted.
5. Press the Format button to f ormat the memory car d.
Warning: All partitions and information on the card will be erased during the
formatting process.
5.8.2 Creating Partitions
Once the car d is formatted, new pa rti ti ons c an be created in i t. The defa ult is to
create one par ti tio n that occupies the whole card, but a card can be di vi ded i nto
more than one p art ition if desir ed. Ea ch partition app ears as a separat e f olde r in
Windows Ex plor er.
To create new par ti ti ons: