Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
152 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . RSS Code
Setting t h is para me ter to on enables “2D RSS Code” scanning c apab ili ty.
Enable RSS-14 (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS-14 code can b e ei ther purely linear or split in half wit h one half stacked on top
of the othe r ha lf. St acki ng t he code reduces the bar c ode l engt h, and p rovi ding the
nominal height of the code is mai nta ined, it can be omni- dir ect iona ll y sca nned.
Enable RSS Limited
“RSS-Limited” is r est ri cte d, in t hat it can only e ncode 14 di git GTINs (global tra de
item number) that begin with either a 0 or a 1. I t is no t stac kable an d is not designe d
to be read o mni-di re cti onally.
Enable RSS Expanded
“RSS Expanded” use s the same appli cat ion iden tifiers as UCC/EAN-128 c odes but
it can be split into sections and stacke d several rows high, redu cing the length of the
symbol, while i ncr easi ng t he capacity o f data t hat can be sto red. “ RSS Expande d”
code can be omni -di rec tionally scanne d
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Composite
Important: To successfully read this type of bar code, the two types of
symbologies included in a composite bar code must be enabled.
In addition, “Center Bar Code Only” must be disabled.
A composit e symbol i ncludes multi- row 2D component s making i t compati ble wit h
linear a nd ar ea CCD scan ners along wit h li near and r ast er ing l ase r scanners.
The options a v ai labl e f or t his parameter represent multi -l evel compone nts of a
composit e symbol.