
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 249
Chapter 7: Specifications
Safety License Safety License Environmental Test
Reverse Charging Test
After a s tandard disc ha rge,
rever s e- ch arge c ont i nu ous l y a t
4.2V and 4A for 8hrs.
Protection cir cuit b oard to op erate .
No explos ion, fi re, sm oke , or lea ka ge.
Item License Standard
1 UL 1642
The lithium-ion cell has b een listed a nd p ass the UL1642 stan-
dard by UL La b.
2 UL 2054
The battery pa ck is in the proc ess to apply the UL 20 54 battery
89/336 EEC-EMC
The battery pack is in the process to apply the below standard:
-EN5502 2 -LVD 72/23 EEC -EN5502 4 - EN 6132 6
4 RoHS Directive
The battery pack is in the process to apply the RoHS d irective
applicable report by SGS Lab.
Description Test Reference Test Condition/Result
Drop (mechanical)
Drop sample ba tter y on all f aces f rom height of
1.2 meter s onto con cr e te fl oor.
No explosion, fire, vent, leakage and the open
circuit voltage high er tha n 3.7 V.
Sto rage at hig h tem p. EN600 68-2- 2 Test
+60°C dr y for 240 hour s
No explosion , f ire, ve nt or lea ka ge .
Sto rage at low tem p. E N60068-2-1 Test
-20°C d ry for 240 hour s
No explosion , f ire, ve nt or lea ka ge .
Storage at high temp.
and high hum idity
IEC68-2- 3 Test
+40°C at 9 0%R H for 240 hours.
No explosion , f ire, ve nt or lea ka ge .
Sto rage tem p. cycling IEC68-2-14 Test
+60oC (2C) for 1 hour (T1), -20oC (2C) for 1
hour. 3 minutes Max allow ed for cha ng e
between T1 a nd T2 .
Cycle 10 times
No explo sion, no f ir e, n o vent, a nd n o lea ka ge.
Vibration resistance
BS2011 Part 2.1
FDC (IEC68 -2-37)
After sta ndard charge , tested under the follo wing
conditions : Rand om vibration 5H z-500 Hz A S D
0.02g2 /Hz in 3 a xis f or 15 m i ns . Afte r wh ich,
carry out a standard discharge, charge, dis charge.
No parting joints/cracks or damage to con nec-
tors. No leakage or critical damage.
Description Condition Test Condition/Result