Mitsubishi Electronics FX5 Universal Remote User Manual

19.1 High-speed Counter Function
High-speed counter (pulse density measurement mode)
The pulse density measurement mode for high-speed counters is explained below.
When in pulse density measurement mode, pulse is counted from count input of the high-speed counter, and the number of
pulses for a specified amount of time is automatically counted.
Set operation mode to pulse density measurement mode by high-speed counter parameter setting.
Sets detailed settings for channel used.
Navigation window [Parameter] [FX5UCPU] [Module Parameter] [High Speed I/O] “Input Function" “High
Speed counter" "Detail Setting" “Basic Settings"
Displayed items
Item Description Setting range Default
Use/Not Use Set whether use counter or not. • Disable
Operation Mode Set operation mode. Normal Mode
Pulse Density
Assumption Mode
Rotation Speed
Measurement Mode
Pulse Input Mode Set pulse input mode. 1-Phase 1 Input (S/W
Up/Down Switch)
1-Phase 1 Input (H/W
Up/Down Switch)
1 Phase 2 Input
2 Phase 1 Multiple
2 Phase 2 Multiple
2 Phase 4 Multiple
Internal Clock (1MHz)